The exhibition In the Footsteps of Neo-Impressionism. Mägi and Finch was held at the Art Museum of Estonia in 2010. In addition to Konrad Mägi’s works, the exhibition curator Tiina Abel had selected works by Paul Signac, Alfred William Finch, Henri-Edmond Cross, Maurice Denis, and others. ‘All of these artists share a fondness for the dot of colour, a yearning for harmony in colours and a balanced picture surface. The Impressionists of the 19 th century had liberated colour and found the opportunity to record the fleeting and the transient with the help of a spontaneous way of painting,’ is what was written in the introduction to the exhibition. One of the focal points of the exhibition was the creative encounter between Konrad Mägi and the Belgian-Finnish artist of English origin Alfred William Finch (1854–1930). The following is written in the introduction to the exhibition: ‘After the spirited summer of 1906 in Åland, Mägi went to Helsinki in the autumn for a year, hoping to improve his artistic technique at the Ateneum Art School and to earn money for travelling to Paris. The Ateneum Art School teacher Willy Finch, who had arrived in Finland in 1897, had been one of the most principled followers of Georges Seurat’s art system in the 1890s. Thus Finch was the first artist whose oeuvre provided Mägi with the chance to familiarise himself with the new art trend. The comparison of his works completed in 1908–1915 to Finch’s works and also works by French artists provides the opportunity to be enchanted by the strength of purpose, originality and extraordinary perception of colour of Mägi’s creative quests.’