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DownloadThis painting probably belonged to the spouse of circuit court judge Martin Taevere, Alma Alide Taevere, who provided assistance to Mägi in his last years. The painting then came into the possession of Martin Taevere’s niece Lydia (Lidia) Taevere, who married Artur Mägi, the general secretary of the National Assembly and State Council of the Republic of Estonia, and who served as state secretary and chancellor of justice of the exile government. Artur Mägi was from the town of Põltsamaa and no relation to Konrad Mägi. They took the painting, likely unframed, with them when they fled to Sweden in autumn 1944. In Uppsala, Sweden, the painting was re-framed and hung in their home.
The reproduction of these works without the express written consent of the owner of the works is prohibited.